Dr Inam Ullah
Designation : Chairman.
Email Address : [email protected]
HOD Message
I welcome you all to Department of Genetics. The Department has a distinguished history of excellence in teaching and research, and our staff is committed in maintaining the highest possible level of excellence. Our commitment is to provide outstanding mentoring and quality research, for the training and capacity building of the next generation of talented young scientists.
The department of Genetics was established in 2005, in the First Meeting of Advanced Studies and Research Board of Hazara University, subsequently approved by the Academic Council and Syndicate of Hazara University. All the degrees are recognized by HEC, accepted nationally and internationally. Since its inception, it moved with rapid pace of development with respect to infrastructure, academics and research facilities. Department has a distinguished history of excellence in teaching and research, and our staff is committed in maintaining the highest possible level of excellence. Our commitment is to provide outstanding mentoring and quality research, for the training and capacity building of the next generation of talented young scientists. The Department offers BS, M. Sc, M. Phil and PhD programs and the success of our programs is evident from the fact that our graduates are ready to enter in the workforce of academia, industry, government and public sectors organizations as soon as they complete their degrees....
Genetics being a future science is providing trained work force for Biotechnological industries, forensic science laboratories of law enforcement agencies, jobs in teaching and research organizations....
Progammes Offered
Concered Faculty