Provisional Selected List for PM Youth Laptop Scheme
Created AT : 2023-07-14
Dear Sir/ Madam,All focal persons are requested to share and display the provisional merit list with the students and also on the notice board for information of students concerned. In case of any correction in CGPA, degree title, year of study, etc., pls share the information with Director UAFA by 16th July 2023. Once the "final Merit" list is downloaded, the system will be locked, and no changes will be allowed. We request you to please check the provincial merit list twice prior to downloading the “Final Merit List”.
In addition, please review the provisional list and ensure that selected students are maintaining the minimum academic requirement set forth by the university for said course/program. Please also ensure that these students are not struck off from the university due to academic or any other disciplinary reasons. We understand that the following terms and conditions which are already communicated have been checked by your good self. However, please update the data in the online portal in case any discrepancy is found. Kindly ensure the following: -
a) Verified student(s) are enrolled in university as per terms and conditions set forth in University/Institution regulations after following the prescribed dates:
b) The verified student(s) have not availed Laptop in any Government funded scheme/scholarships
c) Verified students are enrolled in HEC’s recognized campus(es)
d) Applicant(s) information especially date of enrollment, CGPA, and Department may be checked.
The system will automatically be locked after the deadline to accommodate students of the next batch.
click to download list.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Kind Regards,
Qasim Shahzad
Director UAFA